Remedies for Stomach Bloating

Stomach bloating is a common digestive issue characterized by a feeling of fullness, tightness, or distension in the abdomen, often accompanied by excessive gas and discomfort. It can be triggered by overeating, consuming gas-producing foods, indigestion, sluggish digestion, or underlying digestive disorders. Factors such as stress, poor gut health, and an imbalance in digestive enzymes can also contribute to bloating. Homeopathy offers a gentle and effective approach by addressing the root cause of bloating, restoring digestive balance, and alleviating associated symptoms such as gas, cramping, and acidity.

SymptomsHomeopathic RemedyBiochemic Remedy
Excessive bloating with belching and gas, especially after fatty foodsCarbo Vegetabilis
Bloating after eating a small amount, mostly in the lower abdomen, craving for sweetsLycopodium Clavatum
Bloating with weakness due to excessive gas, especially after fruits or teaChina Officinalis
Bloating from overeating, alcohol, coffee, or spicy foods, with indigestion and irritabilityNux Vomica
Bloating after rich, creamy, or greasy foods, relieved by movement and fresh airPulsatilla Nigricans
Bloating with an inability to pass gas, causing tightness in the stomachRaphanus Sativus
Bloating with cramping pain, better by bending double or applying pressureColocynthis
Bloating with acidity and sour belchingNatrum Phos 6X
Bloating with spasmodic abdominal pain, relieved by warmthMagnesia Phos 6X
Bloating due to slow digestion and weak assimilationSilicea 6X
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