General Information

  • Common Name: Carcinosin
  • Source: Nosode derived from carcinomatous tissue
  • Family: Nosode
  • Preparation: Prepared from cancerous tissue following homeopathic principles
  • Miasmatic Background: Syco-syphilitic predominance

Keynotes & Essence

Carcinosinum is a deep-acting remedy for individuals with a family history of cancer, tuberculosis, or other chronic degenerative diseases. It is often indicated in cases of extreme sensitivity, suppression of emotions, and deep-seated grief. There is a love for order, music, and nature, but also an inclination toward perfectionism, obsessive-compulsive traits, and anticipatory anxiety. The remedy is useful for those who have never been well since prolonged grief, fear, or abuse.

Constitutional & Mental Symptoms

  • Sensitive, refined individuals who are highly artistic, intelligent, and empathetic.
  • Fearful of failure, criticism, being alone, and darkness.
  • Fastidious – loves order, cleanliness, and symmetry.
  • Compassionate, responsible, and dutiful, often to the point of exhaustion.
  • Suppressed emotions – history of abuse, grief, or trauma that has led to physical illness.
  • Love for music and thunderstorms, which bring relief.
  • Desire for travel, excitement, or change to escape their condition.
  • Sleeplessness due to racing thoughts and sensitivity to external stimuli.

Physical Symptoms

  • Skin:
    • Moles, café-au-lait spots, and brownish discolorations.
    • Tendency for slow-healing wounds.
    • Tendency for tumors, lumps, and warts, particularly when there is a family history of cancer.
  • Nervous System:
    • Extreme fatigue, especially in children who have been over-disciplined.
    • Twitching, tics, or restlessness in sleep.
    • Headaches from suppressed emotions, often improved by thunderstorms.
  • Respiratory System:
    • History of asthma or bronchitis, especially in children with family history of tuberculosis.
    • Chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, worse from damp weather.
  • Gastrointestinal System:
    • Chronic constipation, alternating with diarrhea.
    • Craving for chocolate, salt, spices, and stimulants.
    • Aversion to fatty food, but sometimes paradoxical cravings.
  • Sleep & Dreams:
    • Restless sleep, waking up unrefreshed.
    • Dreams of animals, falling, or being pursued.
    • Sleeplessness due to excessive thoughts and anticipation.
  • Modalities (Better/Worse):
    • Better: Lying on chest, thunderstorms, music, seaside, stretching.
    • Worse: Suppressed emotions, anticipation, mental strain, reprimands, excessive responsibilities.

Clinical Indications

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) & fibromyalgia.
  • Autism spectrum disorders & obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
  • Long-standing insomnia and anxiety disorders.
  • History of cancer, tuberculosis, or degenerative diseases in family.
  • Skin conditions with multiple moles and pigmentation.
  • Asthma, chronic bronchitis, or recurrent infections.
  • Deep grief, emotional suppression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Comparison with Other Remedies

RemedyComparison with Carcinosin
Natrum MuriaticumBoth have grief suppression, perfectionism, and fastidious nature, but Natrum Mur is more introverted and dislikes consolation, whereas Carcinosin is more sensitive and empathetic.
TuberculinumBoth have a love for travel, excitement, and change, but Tuberculinum is more destructive and rebellious, whereas Carcinosin is dutiful and conscientious.
SiliceaBoth are delicate, sensitive, and chilly, but Silicea has more lack of confidence and obstinacy, while Carcinosin has perfectionism and an artistic temperament.
Arsenicum AlbumBoth are fastidious, anxious, and perfectionists, but Arsenicum is more fearful of disease and germs, while Carcinosin’s perfectionism is driven by aesthetics and idealism.
PhosphorusBoth have sensitivity, fear of thunderstorms, and strong emotions, but Phosphorus is more open, talkative, and sympathetic, while Carcinosin has a history of deep suppression and emotional trauma.

Prescription & Potency

  • Carcinosin is usually given in high potencies (200C, 1M, or even 10M) and not repeated frequently.
  • Lower potencies (30C) may be used in sensitive individuals or children.
  • It is often used in constitutional cases, miasmatic treatment, and deep-seated emotional or physical disorders.


Carcinosin is a deep-acting constitutional remedy for individuals with a history of cancer, tuberculosis, or suppressed emotions. It is suited for perfectionists, sensitive, and artistic personalities who have suffered grief, trauma, or prolonged emotional suppression. It has strong affinities with chronic fatigue, skin ailments, asthma, OCD, and anxiety disorders.

This remedy is often misunderstood but has profound healing effects when prescribed constitutionally. It is a nosode with a broad scope, particularly for sensitive, highly responsible, and emotionally suppressed individuals.

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