Remedies for Gas and Flatulence

Gas and flatulence occur due to the accumulation of excessive air in the digestive tract, often leading to bloating, belching, and discomfort. This condition can arise from indigestion, overeating, consumption of gas-forming foods, or sluggish digestion. Stress, food intolerances, and imbalanced gut flora can further aggravate the issue. Homeopathy offers effective remedies to relieve gas by addressing the root cause, whether it be sluggish liver function, weak digestion, or sensitivity to certain foods. Biochemic salts help restore balance to the digestive system, ensuring smoother digestion and reduced bloating.

SymptomsHomeopathic Remedy & PotencyBiochemic Remedy & Potency
Excessive gas with bloating and belching, worsened by fatty foodsCarbo Vegetabilis 30CNatrum Phos 6X
Gas with rumbling in the abdomen, relieved by passing flatusLycopodium 200CSilicea 6X
Gas with sour burps and acidity, worsened after mealsNux Vomica 30CMagnesia Phos 6X
Painful bloating with difficulty in passing gasChina Officinalis 30CCalcarea Phos 6X
Gas with distension and pressure, feeling of a tight abdomenColocynthis 200CNatrum Sulph 6X
Gas after eating starchy foods, with weak digestionAntimonium Crudum 30CKali Mur 6X
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