Remedies for Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is a common condition that occurs when the brain receives conflicting signals from the inner ear, eyes, and body during travel. It often leads to nausea, dizziness, cold sweats, and vomiting, especially in cars, boats, planes, or amusement rides. Some individuals are more sensitive to motion than others, and symptoms can be triggered by reading while moving or traveling on winding roads.

SymptomHomeopathic Remedy & PotencyBiochemic Remedy & Potency
Nausea with dizziness while travelingCocculus Indicus 30CNatrum Phos 6X
Motion sickness with vomiting and cold sweatsTabacum 30CKali Phos 6X
Dizziness and nausea, worse from car or sea travelPetroleum 30CCalcarea Phos 6X
Motion sickness with excessive salivationIpecacuanha 30CNatrum Mur 6X
Anxiety and fear of travel with nauseaArgentum Nitricum 30CMagnesium Phos 6X

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