Remedies for Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and Vomiting are common symptoms that can arise from various causes, including indigestion, motion sickness, pregnancy, infections, or even emotional stress. Nausea is the uneasy feeling of wanting to vomit, while vomiting is the body’s way of expelling unwanted substances from the stomach. While usually not a serious condition, persistent or severe cases may indicate underlying health issues that need attention. Homeopathy and biochemic remedies offer gentle and natural solutions to manage nausea and vomiting, addressing specific triggers such as motion, rich foods, or anxiety, helping to restore balance without harsh side effects.

SymptomHomeopathic RemedyBiochemic Remedy
Nausea with empty feeling in stomachIpecacuanha 30Natrum Phos 6X
Vomiting with profuse salivationMercurius Solubilis 30Kali Mur 6X
Motion sickness with nauseaCocculus IndicusNatrum Sulph 6X
Morning sickness during pregnancySepiaCalcarea Phos 6X
Nausea from rich or fatty foodPulsatillaNatrum Phos 6X
Nausea with dizziness and headacheTabacumFerrum Phos 6X
Vomiting with cold sweatsVeratrum AlbumSilicea 6X
Nausea with burning sensation in stomachArsenicum AlbumMagnesia Phos 6X
Nausea from the smell of foodColchicumKali Phos 6X
Vomiting of undigested food hours after eatingAntimonium CrudumCalcarea Fluor 6X
Nausea from anxiety or stressArgentum NitricumKali Phos 6X
Vomiting with thirst for cold drinksPhosphorusNatrum Mur 6X
Nausea with weakness and prostrationChina OfficinalisFerrum Phos 6X
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