Remedies for Colds

Colds, also known as common cold or acute coryza, are viral infections affecting the upper respiratory tract, primarily the nose and throat. Symptoms typically include sneezing, runny or blocked nose, sore throat, cough, mild fever, and body aches. They are often triggered by viral exposure, sudden weather changes, or weakened immunity. Homeopathy offers effective remedies that help alleviate symptoms naturally, depending on the nature of the cold—whether it’s dry, congested, or accompanied by fever. Biochemic remedies also aid in relieving nasal congestion, mucus buildup, and inflammation, promoting faster recovery.

SymptomsHomeopathic Remedy & PotencyBiochemic Remedy & Potency
Runny nose with sneezingAllium Cepa 30C – Watery discharge, worse indoorsNatrum Mur 6X – Clear nasal discharge
Stuffy nose with thick dischargeKali Bichromicum 30C – Thick, stringy mucusKali Mur 6X – White mucus, nasal blockage
Cold with fever and body achesEupatorium Perfoliatum 30C – Severe bone pain, chillsFerrum Phos 6X – Initial stage of colds
Cold with dry coughBryonia 30C – Dry, painful cough, worse motionNatrum Sulph 6X – Cough with congestion
Cold with rattling mucusAntimonium Tart 30C – Loose, rattling chest mucusKali Sulph 6X – Yellow mucus, blocked nose
Cold from exposure to cold windAconitum Napellus 30C – Sudden onset after chillFerrum Phos 6X – Feverish colds
Cold with extreme chillinessArsenicum Album 30C – Thin, watery discharge, anxietyCalcarea Sulph 6X – Yellow nasal discharge
Cold with sore throatBelladonna 30C – Red, inflamed throat, sudden onsetKali Mur 6X – White-coated tongue

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