CLINICAL TIPS A remedy indicated by exhaustion of the mind, apathy, depression and hopelessness. CADMIUM METALLICUM 30CH.
CLINICAL TIPS A remedy indicated by exhaustion of the mind, apathy, depression and hopelessness. CADMIUM METALLICUM 30CH.
No home in town or country should be without stinging nettle tincture – URTICA URENS – if only because of its magic power over burns; for almost instant relief of pain and rapid healing. This applies, of course, to fairly superficial burns. ( Burns of the first and second order) Dr. Tyler
ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM is unquestionably a great remedy for Brochopneumonia. Dr. Nichols
GLONOINE has been found an excellent remedy for pains and other abnormal sensations following sometime after local injuries. Long after the reception of an injury, the part pains or feels sore; or an old scar breaks out again; then GLONOINE seems to relieve. Dr. E. A. Farrington.
CANTHARIS is indicated in Acute Cystitis more frequently than all other remedies put together. Dr. Farrington.
TABACUM is for the heavy smoker where the nicotine poisoning has caused cardiac damage and heart, blood vessels and the lungs are involved. Dr. Henry W. Eisfelder.