Conditions Homeopathy Works Best For
Customer Speak
Thanks a lot to this company and it’s whole team members, because I am using lower dilution in 10 package and also in 12x potency who is provide to me in most efficient way without any trouble. Customer care experience was good and mild behaviour. 😊😊
The best products and the best service 🙏
I cannot comment on this EXCELLENT homeopathic medicine, It is such an excellent one for nerve related diseases. Rhus Toxicodendron, especially the mother tincture, As per my 23 yrs experience, this is the only homeopathic medicine, cures neuro-muscular chronic rigidity & painful electric shocks. Now I am 67. I have not seen any side effects so far. This Bahola co. medicine Rhus tox-Q is really working-amazing!
Take a peek at our online magazine where we cover everything homeopathy.
BELLADONNA is the best remedy for stiff neck or rheumatic origin or from cold. Dr….
Biliary duct spasms with its severe pain increased by movement and pressure, but some what…
ARGENTUM NITRICUM for Claustrophobia. Dr. Tyler
Belladonna for Insomnia!
I often use frequent doses of BELLADONNA 1X to relieve insomnia due to pain caused…
Side effects after an Operations
CAUSTICUM is the routine remedy for retention of urine after operation. Dr. D. M. Foubister