Homeopathy for a Mashed finger
Nothing equals HYPERICUM in cases of mashed finger. Dr. Farrington.
After extraction of a tooth, ARNICA will stop the bleeding and accelarate the healing of the gums.
ARNICA is an excellent remedy to administer after parturition. Relieves soreness and the lameness of parts especially after delivery.
HECLA LAVA is useful for the neuralgic pains after tooth extraction. Dr. Hughes.
In my experience, SEPIA is a treasure in SINUSITIS, and also with STICTA in the dry ones. Dr. E. W. Hubbard
In some Asthma of chldren, where, in addition to the wheezing and frequency of attack, there is great prostration one would expect in Arsenic and Arsenic palliates only, try NATRUM SULPH. It has saved the day in such cases. Dr. T. K. Moore
KALI salts are excellent for the complaints of old age as they have an affinity for connective tissue, and old age means a loss of elasticity with stiffness in the joints and wandering pains. Causticum and Kali carb. are sheet anchors for pains of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis. Dr. Gordon Ross.