“MURIATIC ACID cures the muscular weakness following excessive use of Opium and Tobacco. Dr. H. C. Allen”
– www.ilovehomoeopathy.com
For post operative vomiting induced by and only occurring after eating: FERRUM MET 30. Dr. Foubister
NATRUM SULPH occupies a very useful place in late effects of head injuries. The mauling of mastoidectomy comes under this head and it has been our good fortune to see NAT. SULPH at work here. Dr. T. K. Moore
BERBERIS is an excellent remedy for renal colic. The pains are of a shooting character. The patient cannot make the slightest motion and must sit bent over towards the painful side to obtain relief. If in addition, he complains of sharp, darting pains following the direction of the ureter and extending into the hip, there