BOTHRIOCEPHALUS LATUS 200CH in single doses at long intervals is very useful in Pernicious Anemia. Within 2 to 6 weeks, the erythrocytes increase. Symptoms disappear. Dr. Stiegele
BOTHRIOCEPHALUS LATUS 200CH in single doses at long intervals is very useful in Pernicious Anemia. Within 2 to 6 weeks, the erythrocytes increase. Symptoms disappear. Dr. Stiegele
CALCAREA CARBONICA is an excellent remedy for galactorrhoea. It will often modify the lacteal secretion and serve as a preventive of mammary abscess after weaning. Dr. Sheldon Leavitt.
The APIS paralysis often comes on after emotional stress especially after bad news. Homeopathic Recorder. ’31
SARCOLACTIC ACID for Influenza with nausea and uncontrollable vomiting even of water with extreme weakness and prostration when ARSENICUM and IPECAC have failed. Dr. Beta
STAPHYSAGRIA: Cures the bad effects of tobacco smoking excoriated tongue; and gastralgia; the habit of “swallowing the tobacco smoke.” Teste
RHUS TOX: Swollen around the ankles after sitting too long, particularly when travelling. Hering.
In old people who are asthmatic and have to sit up in bed, dyspnea, great accumulation of mucus with much rattling and wheezing, give Senega Q 7 drops in half a glass of water, 1 teaspoonful every hour until relieved. Dr. Eli. G. Jones