Dr. Allen ARSENICUM ALBUM is very valuable for the weak heart which is irritable, rapid action on the slightest provocation.
Dr. Allen ARSENICUM ALBUM is very valuable for the weak heart which is irritable, rapid action on the slightest provocation.
NEPETA CATARIA is essentially a children’s remedy, very useful in colic and in this respect similar to Chamomilla, COlocynthis and MAG. PHOS. It should be thought of in fretful, colicky infants. Dr. Rudolph. F. Rabe.
There is one troublesome thing, though, that sometimes it is very hard to master even with a Homeopathic remedy – the persistent nausea that some of them will have in spite of very good prescribing. If you get a case where everything seems to center in the nausea alone of a more or less nervous type,
ANGELICA in 15 drops doses of tincture 3 times a day, has caused a disgust for liquor. Dr. Raue
Give ARNICA to one whose frame cannot forget the shock of a farback accident and he will alike be delighted with the effect. Dr. Hughes
For sore throat accompanying epidemic influenza itself, even the characteristic toothache, PHYTOLACCA is often specific. Dr. Ruddock
Many cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis in women begin at the time of menopause. Whenever this is the case and the small joints of hands and feet are involved, CAULOPHYLLUM should be one of the remedies to consider; also in any non-menopausal cases where uterus and small joints are affected. Dr. Tyler.