The 3rd trituration of ACIDUM SALICYLICUM is becoming quite a favourite remedy with me for simple Deafness with Tinnitus. Dr. Claude.
The 3rd trituration of ACIDUM SALICYLICUM is becoming quite a favourite remedy with me for simple Deafness with Tinnitus. Dr. Claude.
Acidum nitricum is almost a specific for diarrhoea after antibiotics, especially the mycins. Dr. E. W. Hubbard
Among the remedies for prevention of Sunstroke, GELSEMIUM is the most important. I covers all the symptoms of a man who feels “played out” as Lilienthal so characteristically designates it. It is specially indicated in Hot, damp, stifling weather the exact meteorological condition of sun stroke and it has at least in my practice, proved
KALI IODATUM 6X is recommended as a prophylactic against colds and influenza. Dr. Heselton.
FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM can be given to the toddler for a week or two, to strengthen his little body while it is growing so rapidly. Dr. M. Blackey
When riding in strong cold winds brings on Neuralgia, think of MAG PHOS; when it brings on paralysis, think of CAUSTICUM. Homoeopathic Recorder.
If you have seasickness, with occipital headache, give PETROLEUM every time. Dr. D. M. Borland.